Adult Individual Therapy

Services are provided by a Registered Social Worker

Children's Therapy

Services are provided by a Registered Social Worker

Youth/Student Therapy

Services are provided by a Registered Social Worker

Parent Support

Services are provided by a Registered Social Worker

Family Therapy

Services are provided by a Registered Social Worker

Suzanne has worked with children, teens and adults in a helping capacity for over 30 years. Suzanne’s experience as a teacher, foster parent, child and youth worker, Education Liaison with HCCAS, Family Service Coordinator with Autism Ontario, and rehabilitation support worker for individuals with traumatic brain injuries all inform her work today.

Suzanne’s services also include play based interventions for her younger clients and she meets regularly with a play therapy supervisor while she completes additional specialist training in play therapy. Suzanne also brings to her work canine-assisted therapy which is based off of her award winning research at Wilfrid Laurier University.

What does a session with Suzanne look like?

All sessions are highly individualized. For example, younger clients typically have their sessions in a dedicated play room. This is also where sessions with a canine will happen if both client and therapist agree that including a dog brings a therapeutic benefit. (Please note that a canine is NOT always present and will not join a session if a client exhibits any aggression or strong emotions that they need to process.)

And for adult clients, you may prefer a more relaxed, traditional approach and sessions will likely be held in the office across the hall from the play room.

What’s next at Riverway?

Riverway Therapy was launched during the pandemic and Suzanne is thrilled to support her community of West Nipissing and is honoured that many clients travel from quite a distance to her office in Sturgeon Falls.

Riverway continues to grow and plans are in the works to add some group options and additional clinicians to the team. Stay tuned!

Suzanne has worked with children, teens and adults in a helping capacity for over 30 years. Suzan... Read More

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Located at: 236 Worthington St W, 100, North Bay
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